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Enerpro FCRO4100 Single Phase Firing Board




  • Manufacturer : Enerpro
  • Model : FCRO4100
  • Type : Single Phase Firing Board
  • Condition : Used




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  • Manufacturer : Enerpro
  • Model : FCRO4100
  • Part No : VRCL1P-1
  • Type : Single Phase Firing Board
  • Condition : Used


Maritek Solutions can supply new and refurbished parts of Enerpro FCRO4100 Single Phase Firing Board.
To receive a quote for any Enerpro Single Phase Firing Board, Kindly email us at sales@mariteksolutions.com.

Technical Data

The FCRO4100 provides phase-angle control for single-phase SCR AC controllers, center-tapped rectifiers, and two- or four-quadrant bridge rectifiers.

It features four isolated gate drives.

Independently configurable soft start and soft stop control inputs.

Configurable for common voltage or current ranges.

These provide regulation functionality or timed polarity transition inhibit for four-quadrant rectifier applications.


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