
Nakakita Seisakusho NS770C Filter Regulator




  • Manufacturer : Nakakita Seisakusho
  • Model : NS770C
  • Type : Filter Regulator
  • Condition : Used




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  • Manufacturer : Nakakita Seisakusho
  • Model : NS770C
  • Type : Filter Regulator
  • Condition : Used


Maritek Solutions can supply new and refurbished parts of Nakakita Seisakusho NS770C Filter Regulator.
To receive a quote for any Nakakita Seisakusho Filter Regulator, Kindly email us at sales@mariteksolutions.com.

Technical Data

  • The NS770C is a hand-operated, spring-loaded pressure regulator with a filter inlet. Its main components include the bonnet, body, filter case, pilot valve, spring, handle, and valve seat. The spring-opposed diaphragm actuator positions the valve plug in the valve seat
  • Connection : Rc 1/4
  • Inlet Pressure : 10 kg/cm² (MAX)
  • Outlet Pressure : 3 kg/cm² (MAX)


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