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Hatlapa L50 Air Compressor




Manufacturer: Hatlapa
Model: L50
Type: Air Compressor
Condition: New




Call : +91-7226017401




  • Manufacturer : Hatlapa
  • Model : L50
  • Type : Air Compressor
  • Condition : New


Maritek Solutions can supply new and refurbished parts of Hatlapa L50 Air Compressor.
To receive a quote for any Hatlapa Air Compressor, Kindly email us at sales@mariteksolutions.com.

Technical Data

The Hatlapa L50 is a two-stage air-cooled piston compressor designed for providing starting air to main diesel engines and generator engines on large vessels.

Two-staged cylinders in W-arrangement with a one-throw crankshaft.

Single-acting trunk pistons.

Combined suction and pressure valves for both stages.

Air cooling via an axial fan directly driven by the crankshaft.

Force-feed lubrication with a gear pump driven by the crankshaft.


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