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Autronica Output Module BSB 310

The output module BSB-310A provides four monitored output circuits for alarm sounders, Fire Alarm Routing Equipment (FARE), Fault Warning Routing Equipment (FWRE), Fire Protection Equipment (FPE) and other output functions.

The module is easily plugged onto a mounting rail inside the AutroSafe fire alarm control panel BS-420 or the controller BC-420.

• Provides four output circuits monitored for break
and short-circuiting
• Easily plugged onto each other or onto other I/O
modules on a standard mounting rail
• Automatic addressing of the I/O module
• Designed to meet EN 54 requirements, and
conforms to CE standards
• Galvanically isolated power to activated outputs

BSB-310A | 116-BSB-310A | Output module

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